Accepted Items
The following items are Accepted:
- Glass & Juice Cartons: Clear or colored glass bottles & jars.
- Clean food and beverage containers only. Single-serve containers, pint, quart, and half-gallon juice and milk cartons.
- Metal Cans & Foil: Clean food and beverage containers only.
- Aluminum foil & foil baking tins.
- Plastics #1 through #7: Clean food and beverage containers only.
- Newspapers, Magazines, Catalogs, Phone Books, and Cereal-type boxes.
- Mixed Paper: Office paper, Stationery and Envelopes including those with plastic windows, Direct Mail pieces - shiny coated paper ok.
- SHREDDED PAPER must go in your regular trash container to be burned for energy.
Any questions pertaining to recycling can be referred to the town's recycling coordinator (Jim Horbal) at 860-828-7069, or call the Tunxis Recycling operating committee at 860-585-0419 or 860-225-9811.
Contact Us
- Phone: (860) 828-7022
- Staff Directory
- M-F 7:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Most Saturdays:
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
(call for exact dates)