The Town of Berlin, Connecticut

Country Charm at the Center of Connecticut

Community Resources

The Town of Berlin is happy to provide its citizens with a variety of Community Services.

Employment Information

Signage Statement for Temporary & Portable signs

This is a summary to answer FAQ’s regarding temporary or portable signs that are typically placed around town at this time of year. This summary is not comprehensive or a substitute for all the laws, ordinances and regulations that may apply to sign placement.  The State also has specific regulations regarding encroachments, refer to the DOT guidelines for additional information.

  • Temporary signs including banners, A-frame and lawn signs are regulated and subject to removal if not installed in a manner consistent with applicable regulations.
  • Temporary sign permits are issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer.

The OWNER of the property must authorize placement. Signs are limited to 30 days and are to be removed within 24 hours of the event.

  • Signs shall not be posted or attached to fences, trees, or utility poles.
  • Signs, such as advertising or political signs, should NOT be placed on public land, including in the street right-of-way, or on traffic islands. Be aware that signs so placed are subject to removal by the Town or State without warning.

NO SIGN SHOULD BE PLACED WHERE IT COULD OBSTRUCT TRAFFIC or VISIBILITY Off-site signs or “billboards” – advertising goods or services other than at the premises are prohibited.

Veterans Services

If you are a veteran and need any help, please reach out to our Veterans Service Contact

Other Town Services

To find out more about the services offered by the town, check out the A-Z Guide (Updated Oct 2021) or browse the Services Index

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: 860.828.7000

Town Office Hours:
M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Police Department:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Dispatch Phone: 860-828-7080
Emergency: 911

Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 4:00pm