The Town of Berlin, Connecticut

Country Charm at the Center of Connecticut

Refuse/Recycling Pickup

Berlin Recycling Calendar 2025 Route A

Berlin Recycling Calendar 2025 Route B

Berlin Recycling Map Route A

Berlin Recycling Map Route B

Berlin Streets Garbage Day and Recycle Routes

Trash Away Holiday Schedule List

Acceptable Items at the Berlin Transfer Station (19 Town Farm Lane)

Berlin Transfer Station Hours 2024_25

Please be advised that this Transfer Station is for Berlin residential customers only.  Be prepared to give proof of residency when you enter the gate (at the white building).

Mattress & Box Spring Disposal Program

Please be advised that the Public Works Department has revised the curbside bulky pick-up of bedding mattresses and box springs for Berlin Residents.  Effective March 4, 2019, Residents will be offered two options for the disposal of these items, which are as follows:

 1.)  Curbside collections will be assessed a $15.00 charge (check or cash) per mattress and/or box spring.  Payment will be made prior to collection in Room 120 of the Berlin Town Hall.  Following payment, Public Works Staff will notify Trash Away of the address and quantity of mattresses to be collected.  Residents will also be given a yellow collection permit sticker for each mattress and/or box spring to be attached for visual inspection by Trash Away.

 2.)  Public Works has contracted with Bye/Bye Mattress and the Mattress Recycling Council to provide for the disposal of mattresses and box springs at the Town Transfer Station located at 19 Town Farm Lane.  Residents will be responsible for the transport, and proper placement, of the mattresses and/or box springs at this location during normal business hours.  There will be no charge for disposal at the Transfer Station.

Residents may call The Public Works Department at 860-828-7022 for additional information.


View items that should be recycled.  Please note that after July 1, 2012, the small blue recycling bins will no longer be able to be used - only the fully automated bins will be picked up by Trash Away (860-225-1206).

View information below about what is and is not accepted at the Berlin Recycling Center, located at 19 Town Farm Lane, Berlin, CT.

Do Recycle

Keep this information handy so that you'll know what your town accepts as recyclable items. If you have any questions about your town's program, please call the Public Works Department at 860-828-7022. Remember, curbside recycling saves money, helps the environment...and,

One Pail Recycling

In the Town of Berlin, automated recycling bins will be used (effective July 1, 2012) to collect all clean food and beverage containers made of glass, metal and plastic #1 - #7 (polycoated milk and juice cartons, plastic bottles and jugs). You may purchase an additional bin (for a $95, one time fee) directly from Trash Away (860-225-1206).

What to Do:

  • Rinse all containers
  • Newspapers, magazines, phone books, mixed paper, and cereal-type boxes (i.e. cake mix boxes, cracker boxes, breakfast bar boxes, outer toothpaste boxes, outer tissue boxes).  
  • Flatten corrugated boxes to about 2'x3'.   
  • Bring to curbside

Place your recycling container at the curb the night before your recycling collection day. Do not leave at the curb for more than one day.

Please Note: The recycle day is every other week according to your street. Call Public Works for your route schedule at 860-828-7022.

Accepted Items:

  • Glass & Juice Cartons: Clear or colored glass bottles & jars.
    • Clean food and beverage containers only. Single-serve containers, pint, quart, and half-gallon juice and milk cartons.
  • Metal Cans & Foil: Clean food and beverage containers only.
    • Aluminum foil & foil baking tins.
  • Pizza boxes (no food or liners), outer cardboard boxes (cereal, cake, crackers, bottled drink box containers).
  • Plastics: Clean food and beverage containers only.
  • Newspapers, Magazines, Catalogs, and Phone Books.
  • Mixed Paper: Office paper, Stationery and Envelopes including those with plastic windows, Direct Mail pieces - shiny coated paper ok. 
    • SHREDDED PAPER must go in your regular trash container to be burned for energy.

Not Accepted:

  • Light bulbs, Ceramics, Cookware, Window/mirror glass, Crystal.
  • Scrap metal, Appliances, Metal parts, Pots/pans, Silverware, Needles, Aerosol and Paint cans.
  • Bottle caps or Bottles that contained Antifreeze, Motor oil, Pesticides or other Toxic fluids.
  • No: Brown manila envelopes (with bubble liners), Overnight envelopes or Tyvek.
  • No: Giveaway items (Product samples/CD's).
  • No: Greeting cards or Wrapping paper.
  • No: Tape, Post-it-notes or Mail with Pressure sensitive labels

    Any questions pertaining to recycling can be referred to the town's recycling coordinator (Jim Horbal) at 860-828-7069, or call the Tunxis Recycling operating committee at 860-585-0419 or

The Town also provides for the collection and recycling of rechargeable batteries. The Town, in cooperation with the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (a non-profit public service organization) will recycle the following rechargeable household batteries:

  • Nickel Cadmium (NI-Cd)
  • Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH)
  • Lithium Ion (Li-ion)
  • Small Sealed Lead (Pb), less than 2 lbs each
    • These batteries are typically found in household items such as cordless power tools, cellular and cordless phones, laptop computers and camcorders, and so identified.

Batteries will be accepted at no charge at the following locations:

 Curbside Pick-up from Trash Away

You may schedule a pick-up of burnable items (wooden furniture, mattresses- for a $15 fee per mattress) for Wednesday of any week, and large metal items (appliances, mowers) for Thursday, but you must call well in advance to be placed on the list with Trash Away (860-225-1206).   This services is paid for with your tax dollars for Berlin residents only.

For more information please call the Public Works Department at 860-828-7022

Contact Us

Lecia Paonessa,

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Contact Us:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: 860.828.7000

Town Office Hours:
M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Police Department:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Dispatch Phone: 860-828-7080
Emergency: 911

Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 4:00pm