The Town of Berlin, Connecticut

Country Charm at the Center of Connecticut

Commendation Form (Police Department Only)

 Step 1 of 1

The Berlin Police Department takes commendations for officers and other employees very seriously. It is important for us to know about positive experiences so that they can be properly acknowledged. Reports of exceptional service are thoroughly reviewed and all are appreciated. To make a commendation, please provide the following:

Please fill out the form below with the appropriate information.

* Denotes a required field

Contact Information

Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Phone Number 
-- ext
Date & Time of incident*

Contact Us:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: 860.828.7000

Town Office Hours:
M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Police Department:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Dispatch Phone: 860-828-7080
Emergency: 911

Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 4:00pm