The Town of Berlin, Connecticut Police

Country Charm at the Center of Connecticut

Police Commission

Police Commission Membership - OnBoard

Police Commission Membership - Updated February 2025

Purpose/Authority - Town Charter

 Section 4-3-1. Board of Police Commissioners. Establishment. The Police Department shall be maintained by a Board of Police Commissioners, consisting of five (5) electors, not more than three (3) shall be of the same political party and who shall be elected as provided in Chapter 2 of this Charter. Said commissioners shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties and shall serve without compensation.

 Section 4-3-2. Board of Police Commissioners. Officers, Meetings, Vacancies. Said Board shall elect one (1) of its members to be Chairman and one (1) of its members to be Vice Chairman and shall hold regular meetings and keep written records of the same. Meetings shall be held upon call of the Chairman or of a majority of the members of the Board. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In the event of any vacancy upon said Board, the Council shall within thirty (30) days, fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term of the member with respect to whom such vacancy has occurred. Provided, however, that any such vacancy appointment must be filled by an elector of the same political party as the member who has vacated.

 Section 4-3-3. Board of Police Commissioners. Duties. The Board shall have the general management and control of the Police Department of the town; shall make necessary rules and regulations of the government thereof; may appoint officers and members in said Department, and may remove, suspend or otherwise penalize such officers or members; shall be responsible for the good order, conduct, discipline of the officers and members of said Department, and the preservation of the property used by the Department. The Police Chief shall appoint non-sworn police personnel in said department. The purchase of apparatus, supplies or property necessary for said Department shall be made as provided in Section 5-5 of this Charter, based on the specifications and recommendations of said Board.

 Section 4-3-4. Board of Police Commissioners. Authority of Policemen. The employees have all such authority with respect to the service of criminal process and the enforcement of the criminal laws as is vested by the Connecticut General Statutes in police officers. Said Board shall designate a Chief of Police, who shall be the chief administrative officer and responsible to said Board. No employee of the Police Department shall serve on said Board.

Section 4-3-5. Board of Police Commissioners. Law Enforcement. Said Board shall cause to be faithfully enforced in said town all the laws of the state and all the ordinances and bylaws of the town, and shall have jurisdiction within said town of the parking of motor vehicles upon its streets and highways, and make regulations concerning the same and concerning traffic, so far as the same shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes.

 Section 4-3-6. Board of Police Commissioners. Budget. Said Board shall prepare an itemized budget as provided in Chapter 7 of this Charter.


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240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: 860.828.7000

Town Office Hours:
M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Police Department:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Dispatch Phone: 860-828-7080
Emergency: 911

Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 4:00pm