Breaking News

The Town of Berlin, Connecticut

Country Charm at the Center of Connecticut

Commission for Persons with DisabilitiesCommission for the AgingGolf Course CommissionGeneral Information for Boards / Committees / CommissionsOffice of the Chief of PoliceEngineering DivisionWater Control CommissionAquifer Protection AgencyHighway Maintenance DivisionAdministrative/Records DivisionMeet Our StaffWater Control DivisionAffordable Housing Plan Advisory CommitteeInvestigation DivisionPatient Satisfaction Award WinnerBerlin-Peck Memorial Library BoardBoard of Assessment AppealsDispatchBHS Advisory CommitteeBoard of Assessment AppealsOperations DivisionBoard of EducationComplaints2023 Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD)Board of EthicsBoard of FinanceCustomer SurveySchool Resource OfficerCemetery CommitteeSupport ServicesCentral Connecticut Health DistrictCentral Connecticut Regional Planning AgencyAccreditationCentral Regional Tourism DistrictTraffic DivisionCharter Revision Commission 2022PatrolCharter Revision Commission 2016Commission for Persons with DisabilitiesCommission for the AgingCommunity - Senior Center Advisory CommitteeConservation CommissionConstablesEconomic Development CommissionEnvironmental Protection Advisory CommissionGolf Course CommissionHistoric District CommissionHousing Authority CommissionPolice CommissionInland Wetlands & Water Courses Commission


Berlin Police Department NON-Emergency Phone Number:  (860) 828-7080


Chief of Police Matthew J. McNally IV



     Customer Survey

     Commendation and Complaints 


Marlene T. Kastner

Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police

     (860) 828-7093   



The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department includes the following services:

For more information, please contact our office.

Introduction of a New Billing Process for Berlin Water Control Commission Customers

To:       Berlin Water Control Commission (BWCC) Customers

From:  Ray Jarema, Water Control Manager and Bruce Laroche, BWCC Chairman


Dear Customer,


We are pleased to tell you about changes being made to the billing process of the Berlin Water Control Commission (BWCC).  Beginning with your next billing cycle, you will have access to new, convenient payment options that include E-billing, one-time on-line payments, and payments at thousands of retail locations across the country.  Of course, postal mailing of payments will still be accepted.

The additional options are the result of a process undertaken by the BWCC to replace its existing billing process that is outdated, cumbersome, and has little software support.  The BWCC conducted a bidding and interview process and ultimately selected Connecticut Water Company, operating as New England Water Utility Services, Inc. (NEWUS), to provide billing services.  Please know that this change did not affect the staffing of the BWCC.  The Connecticut Water toll-free number is: 1-800-286-5700.

Connecticut Water currently provides billing services to 103,000 of its own customers in 59 communities across Connecticut, and provides water and wastewater-related services to several State and Municipal clients like the BWCC.

Also, effective with the next billing period, WATER/SEWER BILL PAYMENTS WILL NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED AT THE TOWN HALL , or on the Invoice Cloud on-line payment system.

The initial billing period may be slightly longer in order to efficiently implement the new billing features.  We will still have a quarterly billing cycle.

Our intention is that the new billing process will improve efficiency and processing of water/sewer bills.  The quarterly billing will be made by NEWUS and it will have a new bill which will have a new look.  We anticipate there may be some challenges as we transition billing systems.  There will obviously be a learning curve for everyone, but we believe issues will be dealt with quickly and will improve our billing process.

Aquifer Protection Agency Membership - OnBoard

Aquifer Protection Agency Membership - Updated January 2024


 Ordinance – Code Book

Chapter II, Article 2

Part A. - Aquifer Protection Agency.

 Sec. 2-20.  Designation and membership. 

(a)    In accordance with the provisions of state statutes § 22a-354a, et seq., the inland wetlands and water courses commission is hereby designated as the aquifer protection agency (hereinafter the “agency”) of the town.  The staff of the inland wetlands and water courses commission shall serve as the staff of the agency.

(b)    Members of the inland wetlands and water courses commission shall serve coexisting terms on the agency.  The membership requirements of the agency shall be the same as those of the inland wetlands and water courses commission including, but not limited to the number of members, terms, method of selection and removal of members, and filling of vacancies.

(c)    At least one (1) member of the agency or staff of the agency shall complete the course in technical training formulated by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection of the State of Connecticut, pursuant to state statute § 22a-354v.

(Ord. No. 3-93, 9-14-1993; Ord. No. 06-06, 11-28-2006)

 Sec. 2-21.  Adoption of regulations. 

The agency shall adopt regulations in accordance with state statute § 22a-354p and R.C.S.A. § 22a-354i-3.  Said regulations shall provide for:

(1)    The manner in which boundaries of aquifer protection areas shall be established and amended or changed.

(2)    Procedures for the regulation of activity within the area.

(3)    The form for an application to conduct regulated activities within the area.

(4)    Notice and publication requirements.

(5)    Criteria and procedures for the review of applications.

(6)    Administration and enforcement.

(Ord. No. 3-93, 9-14-1993; Ord. No. 06-06, 11-28-2006)

 Sec. 2-22.  Inventory of land use

(a)    In order to carry out the purposes of the aquifer protection program, the agency will conduct an inventory of land use within the area to assess potential contamination sources.

(b)    Not later than three (3) months after approval by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection of Level B mapping of aquifers, the agency will inventory land uses overlying the mapped zone of contribution and recharge areas of such aquifers in accordance with guidelines established by the commissioner pursuant to

(c)    state statute § 22a-354f.  Such inventory shall be completed not more than one (1) year after authorization of the agency.  (state statute § 22a-354e)

(Ord. No. 06-06, 11-28-2006)

State law reference—Authority to appoint aquifer protection agency, state statute § 22a-3540.



The Highway Maintenance Division provides the Town of Berlin with the following services:

  • Reporting Potholes
  • Street Signs
  • Dead Animals
  • Trees/Tree Trimming
  • Snowplow Issues
  • Mailbox Issues
  • Paving Requests
  • Sidewalk Repairs

For more information, please contact our office. 

Deputy Chief Drew Gallupe (860) 828-7086
  IT Specialist, Oscar Espinoza (860) 828-7170
  Records Clerk, Tracey Lentini (860) 828-7087
  Records Clerk, Alicia Boncek (860) 828-7109


Reports Banner

The Records Bureau processes and maintains all reports generated by the Police Department.  The hours of operation for the public are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.  The Records Bureau is closed on weekends and holidays.

Telephone:   (860)-828-7087

Fax:             (860) 828-7590

Copies of Police Reports - Copies of police reports can be obtained from the Records Bureau during usual working hours.  A fee of $.50 per side is charged for all reports (cash or checks only).

Copies of Video, Photos and Audio - Copies can be obtained from the Records Bureau during usual working hours.  A fee of $10.00 PER CD will be charged. (cash or checks only)

 Note: Reports are maintained and released in accordance with applicable State Statutes.

Applications for Carrying a Handgun - Applications for handgun permits can be obtained from the Records Bureau during usual business hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday - Friday.

Vendor Permits - Vendor permits can be obtained from the Records Bureau Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  There is a $50.00 fee for the permit, plus either a $10.00 per month fee OR a $100.00 fee for the entire year.  The Vendor Permit fee is only waived when it is approved, unless the organization is exempt from this fee under Town Ordinance Article 3 Sec. 5-32.  Please see the Vendor Permit Application letter for more information.

 Fingerprinting - Schedule applicant fingerprints online




The Water Control Division of Public Works provides the town with the following services:

  • Water & Sewer Services
  • New Connections
  • Start Service
  • Permits/Permit Fees
  • Consumer Confidence Report

For more information, please contact Ray Jarema at 860-828-7065.


Berlin Water Control Commission Secondary Meter Irrigation Packet

PFAS Water Test Results

2022 Berlin Affordable Housing Plan- Adopted May, 17 2022

Affordable Housing Committee Membership

Affordable Housing Committee Membership - OnBoard

By state law, specifically Connecticut General Statutes Section 8-30j, all Connecticut municipalities must prepare and adopt an affordable housing plan by June 1, 2022, and every five years thereafter. The following is a link to Chapter 126a of the General Statutes, which includes Section 8-30j: 

Chapter 126a also includes Section 8-30g which contains the affordable housing land use appeals procedure. To be exempt from the procedure, ten percent (10%) of all dwelling units in a municipality must meet the requirements identified in Section 8-30g(k). Currently, 9.24% of Berlin’s housing stock is deemed affordable.  See the 2020 Affordable Housing Appeals List at

 The Berlin Town Council appointed an Affordable Housing Plan Advisory Committee to assist the Council in preparation of the 2022-27 Berlin Affordable Housing Plan. Community input is crucial to the process of developing the Town’s Plan.

To obtain direct input, a Housing Plan Survey was prepared and distributed. 

 To assist the municipalities with preparation of their respective plans, the Connecticut Department of Housing and Regional Plan Association issued an “Affordable Housing Plan and Process Guidebook” (see link below), which contains suggested content for an affordable housing plan. 


The Investigations Division operates and maintains the evidence lab.   It also   maintains all department photographs and the departments' fingerprint file. The Investigations Division investigates and assists other   areas of the   department in   their   investigations of felonies and all crimes involving fraud, theft, and violence. The Investigation Division performs other related functions the Chief of Police determines necessary.

The Youth Bureau is responsible for the overall coordination of the department's efforts regarding children and youth, including delinquency, family with services needs, abuse, neglect, and missing persons.  The Youth Detective screens all reports dealing with police contact with children, makes/reviews all departmental court referrals of juveniles (persons less than eighteen years of age), an makes/reviews decisions to divert juveniles from the juvenile justice system.


 Lieutenant Shawn Solek  (860) 828-7085
 Sergeant/Det. Scott Schreiner (860) 828-7081 
 Detective Sean McMahon  (860) 828-7089 
 A/Youth Det. Kevin Chaffee  (860) 828-7193
 A/Detective Wade Griffith  (860) 828-7165
 A/Detective Dylan Breen  (860) 828-7090





The Berlin Visiting Nurses Association was the proud recipient of the SHPBEST Home Health Patient Satisfaction Award. This award was received for achieving an overall score that ranked in the top 5% in the SHP national HHCAHPS benchmark and scoring above the SHP national average for each HHCAHPS quality measure as measured from the patient's point of view.

Berlin VNA Award

Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board - Updated Membership January 2025



Berlin Town Charter –


Section 8-18-1. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Establishment. There is established a public library in the Town of Berlin known as the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library in accordance with the restricted gift of the Kensington Library Society and Chapter 190 of the Connecticut General Statutes. There shall be a Library Board consisting of nine (9) members to be appointed by the Council, not more than five (5) of whom shall be of the same political party.


Section 8-18-2. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Terms. Members shall be appointed by the Council for three (3) year terms. Members shall be electors of the town and shall serve without compensation. All Members serving at adoption of this Charter shall serve until their term expires.


Section 8-18-3. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Duties and Functions. The Library Board shall have charge of the Library and may expend such sums of money as are available and necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Library facilities, provided any such expenditure must comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 and Section 6-10 of this Charter.


Section 8-18-4. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Rules and Regulations. The Library Board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the conduct of its affairs and for the use of the Library facilities, subject to the approval of the Manager. Decisions of the Board shall be made by a majority vote of those present and voting and no business shall be transacted without five (5) members present. The Board shall keep accurate records of its meetings and actions.


Section 8-18-5. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Building Facilities and Staff. The Town of Berlin shall provide and maintain a suitable building for the Library and will sufficiently staff said building with town employees to operate the Library.


Section 8-18-6. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Powers. The Library Board shall have all of the powers and authority granted to public libraries under the Connecticut General Statutes as may be amended from time to time.


Section 8-18-7. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Budget. The Library Board shall submit a budget proposal pursuant to Chapter 7 of this Charter.



The Communications Unit is staffed by Civilian Dispatchers. Overall supervision is exercised by the Operations Division Commander.   Patrol Unit Supervisors directly supervise   the Communications Unit. The Communications Unit's responsibilities include;   the reception, analysis, and dispatching of calls for service, the receiving of calls on the Town's Emergency 911 system, and dispatching police, fire, medical, and municipal services as needed.   Dispatch also monitors and dispatches alarms for police, fire, municipal services and all non-emergency calls for service.

If you need to speak to an Officer, kindly call or go to our Dispatch window and the Dispatcher will notify an Officer.


Emergency Number:  911


Dispatch Number:  (860) 828-7080


BHS Advisory Committee Meeting Agendas

BHS Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes


Board of Assessment Appeals Membership - OnBoard

Board of Assessment Appeals Membership - Updated November 2023

Three member board elected at general elections for a four (4) year term. Not more than two (2) shall be of the same political party


Berlin Town Charter: Section 2-5.
Board of Assessment Appeals. At said meeting (election) there shall be elected two (2) members of the Board of Assessment appeals and at the meeting (election) of electors in 1997 there shall be elected one (1) member, each of whom shall serve for a term of four (4) years, and so on biennially thereafter. A sufficient number of candidates shall be nominated to succeed each member whose term has expired, so there shall always be three (3) members, but no party shall nominate candidates in excess of the number which may be elected from that party.

Section 4-1. Board of Assessment Appeals.
The Board of Assessment Appeals shall
have all the powers and duties imposed generally upon said boards by the Connecticut General Statutes.

The Operations Division consists of the patrol and communications units and other special units as determined necessary by the Chief of Police.

The Patrol Unit covers a wide range of traditional police services which may be generally defined as the patrolling of streets for the purpose of preventing crime, protecting life and property, assisting the public in any way possible, inspections of commercial establishments, vacant homes, etc. and the investigation of suspicious persons and vehicles.  The Patrol Unit investigates crime, completes necessary crime and incident reports, protects crime scenes, investigates motor vehicle crashes, and educates the public in rules and laws of the Town and State.  Patrol Units are also responsible for traffic control, selective enforcement of motor vehicle laws, investigation of suspicious motor vehicles and such other functions that the Chief of Police may determine as necessary. 


 Lieutenant Robert Martin  (860) 828-7184
 Sergeant Ryan Gould  (860) 828-7195
 Sergeant Tyler Cyr  (860) 828-7194
 Sergeant John Flynn  (860) 828-7192
 Sergeant Cathy Griffin  (860) 828-7190 
 Sergeant Brett Kelly  (860) 828-7090
 Sergeant Achilles Rethis  (860) 828-7191


                Police Car



For more information, please visit the Board of Education's website.

Board of Education Membership - OnBoard

Board of Education Membership Updated 2023


Town Charter: Section 2-6. Board of Education.

At the biennial meeting of electors of the town as defined in Section 2-2 of this chapter and on the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday of November 1995 and annually thereafter, three (3) members of the Board of Education shall be elected to serve for terms of three (3) years each so that there shall always be nine (9) members. No party designation shall appear in connection with the names of candidates for said Board. Nominations therefor shall be made by a petition signed by one (1%) percent of the registered electors. Such petition shall be filed with the Town Clerk in accordance with Section 9-461 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The Town Clerk shall certify on such petition the number of signers whose names appear on the last-completed voting list, and if such petition fills the requirements hereof he shall certify the name of the candidate so nominated. The three (3) candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. If any vacancy occurs in said Board it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board until the next annual election, unless the number of remaining members falls below seven (7), in which case a special election shall be called to fill such vacancies for the unexpired portion of the term. Any vacancy to be so filled at the next regular annual election shall be filled by the candidate receiving the fourth (4th) highest number of votes, and, if an additional vacancy is to be filled, the candidate receiving the fifth (5th) highest number of votes shall be declared elected thereto. If the unexpired terms to be so filled are of unequal duration, the candidate receiving the fourth (4th) highest votes shall fill the longer term.

Section 2-7. Nomination of Candidates.

The name of any elector of the town shall be placed on the voting machines at the municipal election as a candidate for any office to be filled if he has been nominated by a political party in accordance with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes or in whose behalf there shall be filed a petition presenting him as a candidate for
election, said petition to be filed in accordance with the requirements of the Connecticut General Statutes, the sufficiency of said petition to be determined by the Town Clerk as provided therein, and which candidacy shall in all other respects meet the requirements and conditions set forth herein. The names of all candidates duly nominated shall be arranged according to the election procedure as established by the Connecticut General Statutes.


For more information, please visit the Board of Education's website.

"The purpose of public education in Berlin is to stimulate and guide along with parents, the intellectual, emotional, and physical growth of all students in the community toward responsive, self-disciplined, creative, contributory, and perceptive citizenship in a free society. To accomplish this purpose the system of education must recognize individual differences while helping each student to develop toward his or her full potential."

Superintendent of Schools:

Brian Benigni
Telephone:  860-828-6581

Executive Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools:

Debbie Batista
Telephone:  860-828-6581

View the Board's Purpose and Authority

To find out more about the Board of Education, please visit our website.

Commendation and Complaint

Spanish Complaint Form

English Complaint Form

Should you need to submit a complaint, please click on the link above.  The form will give you all the information you will need to make your complaint.

General Order - Complaints/Internal Affairs 

Traffic Stop Complaint

The Internal Affairs Process

The Internal Affairs Unit, under the direct authority of the Chief of Police, investigates all formal complaints of misconduct by department personnel when the Chief of Police orders such investigation to be conducted.  The goal of the Internal Affairs Unit is to ensure that the integrity of the department is maintained and that objectivity, fairness, and justice are ensure by and impartial investigation and review of each complaint assigned to it.

If your complaint results in a formal investigation assigned by the Chief of Police, a thorough, impartial and confidential investigation will be conducted by the Internal Affairs Unit.  The investigation will usually include the examination of physical evidence and interviews with all witnesses, the complainant, and subject Officers. After the allegations have been fully investigated, the Chief of Police will determine what action, if any, should be taken to resolve the complaint.

On an annual basis we compile statistical summaries based upon records of internal affairs investigations.  The table below illustrates this:


Complaints and Internal Affairs Investigations

  2022 2023 2024
External Citizen Complaint 0 0 0
Not Sustained    
Internal Directed Complaint 0    
Sustained    1 0
Not Sustained    
Unfounded     2
Pending 2


Thank you.

Board of Ethics Membership - OnBoard

Board of Ethics Membership - Updated January 2025

Ethics Policy - Town Council Amended 2021-01-26

Purpose/Authority: Town Charter

Section 8-19. Appointment of Board of Ethics. Members.

The Board of Ethics shall be composed of three (3) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all of which shall be resident electors, to be appointed by the Town Council. Of the three (3) regular members initially appointed, two (2) shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years and one (1) shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years. In February 1996, the Council shall appoint two (2) alternate members to the Board of Ethics, one (1) for a term of three (3) years and one (1) for a term of two (2) years thereafter, in the month of January, the Council shall appoint an alternate member to fill any expired term. No political party shall have as appointees' more than two (2) regular members and one (1) alternate member on the Board of Ethics at one (1) time. All subsequent appointments to the Board of regular members shall be for a term of three (3) years. Any member having served for six (6) years in succession shall be ineligible for reappointment to the Board. For individuals filling a vacancy, successive years of service will commence with the next appointment period. No individual while a regular or, alternate member of the Board shall hold any other town office. (d) If a regular member of the Board of Ethics is absent or is disqualified, the Chairman of the Board shall designate an alternate to so act, choosing alternates in rotation so that they shall act as nearly equal in number of times possible. If an alternate is not available in accordance with such rotation, such fact shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Ordinance - Code Book

Chapter II, Article 2
Part B. - Board of Ethics.

Sec. 2-40. Appointment of members.
In February 1996, the town council shall appoint two (2) alternate members to the board of ethics, one (1) for a term of three (3) years and one (1) for a term of two (2) years.
Thereafter, in the month of January, the town council shall appoint an alternate member to fill any expired term.
(Ord. No. 2-96, 2-20-1996)

Charter reference - Board of ethics, Sec. 8-19.

Board of Finance Membership - OnBoard

Board of Finance Membership Updated 2023

Board of Finance Rules & Procedures

Board of Finance was created under the Town Charter adopted November 2016.

Section 2-7. Board of Finance. At said meeting there shall be elected, on an at large basis, six (6) members of the Board of Finance. Three (3) members shall be elected to serve for terms of four (4) years each from 2017 to 2021, provided not more than two (2) of said members elected to four (4) year terms shall be of the same political party, and three (3) members shall be elected to serve for terms of two (2) years each from 2017 to 2019, provided not more than three (3) members of the entire Board shall be of the same political party. At the meeting of electors in 2019 and biennially thereafter there shall be elected, on an at large basis, three (3) Board of Finance members to serve for terms of four (4) years each. At said meetings the three (3) highest vote totals among Board of Finance candidates shall be elected, provided not more than three (3) Board of Finance members shall be of the same political party. Each elector shall vote for a maximum of three (3) Board of Finance members.

Section 4-4-1. Board of Finance. Qualification and Election of Members. The Board of Finance shall consist of six (6) members who shall be electors of the town and shall, while members of said Board, hold no other elective or appointive office, nor be an employee of the town. The Board of Finance shall be elected as provided in Chapter 2 of this Charter.

Section 4-4-2. Board of Finance. Officers. At its first meeting following the biennial meeting of electors, the Board of Finance shall elect one of its members to be Chairman and one of its members to be Vice-Chairman and may employ a secretary. The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall cause to be prepared and filed with the Town Clerk a copy of the minutes and records of each meeting.

Section 4-4-3. Board of Finance. Vacancies. In the event of any vacancy upon the Board of Finance, the Council shall within thirty (30) days fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term as provided in Section 2-13 of this Charter.

Section 4-4-4. Board of Finance. Meetings. (a) The Board of Finance shall, at its first (1st) meeting, or as soon thereafter as possible, establish by resolution a place and time for holding its regular meetings and shall cause to be filed, by January thirty-first (31st) of each year with the Town Clerk, a schedule of regular meetings for the ensuing year. (b) The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, may call special or emergency meetings in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, and shall call a special meeting upon the written request of four (4) members of the Board. In an emergency in the absence of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the Mayor may call a special or emergency meeting and preside as chairman in an ex-officio capacity without the right to vote. (c) Four (4) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to transact business.

Section 4-4-5. Board of Finance. Powers and Duties. The Board of Finance shall have the budgetary and financial powers and duties set forth in Chapters 6 and 7 of this Charter in addition to those powers and duties set forth in the Connecticut General Statutes not inconsistent with this Charter.

The Berlin Police Department has one School Resource Officer (SRO).  He is assigned to work directly in the High school, directly with teachers and students.  He will go to McGee Middle School on an as-need basis.  The SRO is part of the Support Services Division.

School Resource Officer  

Berlin High School  

Phone:  (860) 828-6577 ext. 141



 SRO Mark DePinto

                                                      School Resource Officer Mark DePinto 

Cemetery Committee Membership - OnBoard

Cemetery Committee Membership - Updated January 2025

Cemetery Name Location Owned By Contact Person
Beckley Cemetery Deming Road Town

Public Grounds


Christian Lane Cemetery Christian Lane Town

Public Grounds


Denison Cemetery Farmington Avenue Town

Public Grounds


Dunham Cemetery Norton Road Town

Public Grounds


Hall Cemetery Orchard Road Town

Public Grounds


Ledge Cemetery Cashman Place Town

Public Grounds


Old Sprucebrook Cemetery Sprucebrook Road Town

Public Grounds


Maple Cemetery Worthington Ridge Private

Clinton Bigelow


South Burying Grounds Southington Road Private

Ron Lindger


West Lane Cemetery High Road Private

Michael Munson


Wilcox Cemetery

Berlin Street

East Berlin


Richard Benson


Purpose/Authority Ordinance-Code Book Chapter II, Article 2
Part C

Sec. 2-60. Purpose; members.
In order to preserve, maintain, protect and oversee the cemeteries in the town a cemetery committee (hereinafter referred to as the "committee") is hereby established. It shall consist of five (5) members and one (1) alternate who shall be electors of the town. It shall be the purpose of the committee to oversee and maintain all town owned or town operated cemeteries in the town in accordance with the provisions of chapter 368j of the state statutes. (Ord. No. 16-08, 12-02-2008)

Sec. 2-61. Membership and terms.
The town council shall appoint five (5) members to serve on the committee in the following manner: one (1) member shall serve for a term of two (2) years, two (2) members for a term of four (4) years, and two (2) members for a term of six (6) years. Biennially thereafter, the town council shall appoint one (1) member to replace each member whose term has expired. Within a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the appointment of members to the first committee, said members shall meet, organize, and elect a chairman, vice chairman and a clerk. Such committee shall have all the powers and duties of a committee established as provided for in chapter 368j of the state statutes.
(Ord. No. 16-08, 12-02-2008)

Sec. 2-62. Maintenance of fund.
A separate account known as the cemetery account (hereinafter the "account") shall be set up under the custody and control of the finance director of the town to hold, receive and administer funds for the preservation and maintenance of all town owned or town operated cemeteries. The funds in this account may be received from public or private sources including appropriation from the town's annual budget, private donations and the sale of gravesites or service fees associated with town owned or town operated cemeteries. Funds from the town's cemetery account shall be disbursed by the finance director upon the recommendation or request of the committee.
(Ord. No. 16-08, 12-02-2008)

Sec. 2-63. Donations and perpetual funds.
All private donations authorized or provided to be held in trust and perpetual funds established in accordance with § 19a-301 of the state statutes shall be under the control and custody of the finance director and shall not be commingled with the cemetery account or with the general funds of the town. The income, if any, from perpetual funds and the principal and interest from trust donations shall be used to maintain and preserve the cemeteries for which each fund was established or as otherwise authorized or provided for by the donor. The principal and interest of all private donations shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes designated by the donor(s) thereof. If no specific authorization or instructions are given with a donation it may then go into the account established in § 2-62 above.
(Ord. No. 16-08, 12-02-2008)

Sec. 2-64. Management of funds.
The finance director shall manage and control the private trust donations and perpetual funds and shall invest and reinvest the principal and interest of said funds as by law required for the investment of trust funds, except when otherwise authorized or provided by the donor of such funds. The principal of two (2) or more funds may be combined and merged in a single fund for the purpose of the investment of the same. The finance director shall annually on or before June 1st file an accounting of the cemetery account and all trust or perpetual funds including the balances, income earned, disbursements and the use of each disbursement. This report shall be forwarded to the committee for review and approval. Copies of the approved report shall go to the town council, the town clerk and the Berlin Probate Court as required by § 19a-301 of the state statutes no later than July 1st of each year.
(Ord. No. 16-08, 12-02-2008)

The Support Services Division consists of the Support Services Bureau, SRO and the Traffic Bureau.  The Court Liaison Officer assists with arrest reports, prisoner transportation, arrest warrants, and search warrant preparation.  The Support Services Bureau is responsible for grants, computers, communications, accreditation, permits, alarm registrations, court liaison, scheduling personnel for private duty, overtime assignments and any other function deemed necessary by the Chief of Police. 

The School Resource Officer (SRO) is assigned to work directly in the high school working directly with teachers and students.

Schedule an appointment for Fingerprints.


 Lieutenant Mike Jobes  (860) 828-7088
 Sergeant Ann-Marie Haas  (860) 828-7084
   Officer Mark Fowler  (860) 828-7185
   Traffic Officer Tom Bobok  (860) 828-7082
   SRO Mark DePinto  (860) 828-6577 x141
   Dispatch Supervisor Tom Farr  (860) 828-7176 
  CAT Officer Maegan Musanti (860) 828- 7101


Sergeant Ann-Marie Haas / Accreditation Manager

Phone:  (860) 828-7084


Initial Accreditation:  March 23, 1996

Reaccreditation:       March 23, 2001

Reaccreditation:       March 23, 2004

Reaccreditation:       March 27, 2007

Reaccreditation:       March 27, 2010

Reaccreditation:       March 27, 2013

Reaccreditation:       March 27, 2016

Reaccreditation:       March 27, 2019



Reaccreditation:       March 27, 2010

In December of 2009 the department underwent its fourth on-site accreditation inspection. Deputy Chief

David Belmonte of the Lake Bluff Illinois Police Department was the Team Leader and was assisted by 

Commander Cynthia Aaron of the Burleson Texas Police Department. This year the department received a

flagship certificate for its continual demonstration of excellence in commitment to the accreditation process. 

Flagship Cert

Assessment Team 2009

Pictured from L-R: Sergeant Mike Jobes, Lieutenant Chris Ciuci, Deputy Chief John Klett, CALEA Assessor Cynthia Aaron, CALEA Team Leader David Belmonte, & Chief Paul Fitzgerald. 

Reaccreditation:       March 27, 2013

In December of 2012 the department underwent its fifth on-site accreditation inspection. Retired Greensboro North Carolina Police

Captain Andrew F. (Drew) Cannady was the CALEA Team Leader and was assisted by Assessor Eric Borrin, Chief of the New Hampshire

Bureau for Juvenile Justice Services. 

 CALEA Assessment Team ~ December 2012

Pictured from L-R: Deputy Chief John Klett, Chief Paul Fitzgerald, CALEA Assessor Eric

Borrin, CALEA Team Leader Andrew Cannady, Sergeant Mike Jobes & Lieutenant Chris Ciuci


Reaccreditation:      March 27, 2016

In December of 2015, The Berlin Police Department underwent it's sixth on-site accreditation inspection and was

awarded the Advanced Meritorious status.  Chief Gary L. Vest of the Powell Police Department in Ohio was the Team

Leader and Chief J. Jeffrey Smythe of the Burlington North Carolina police department was the CALEA Team Member.

CALEA Team 2015

Pictured L-R:  Deputy Chief John M. Klett, Chief Paul D. Fitzgerald, Chief J. Jeffrey Smythe,

Chief Gary L. Vest, Lieutenant Jim Gosselin, Lieutenant Chris Ciuci and Sergeant Todd Lentini


Officer Tom Bobok

Phone:  860-828-7082


Traffic Division

The Traffic Bureau maintains equipment and works with officers assigned to the Mid State Accident Reconstruction Squad to investigate all serious or fatal motor vehicle crashes within the towns of Berlin, Newington, Rocky Hill, Wethersfield and Cromwell.  Officers assigned to the Traffic Bureau receive extensive training in accident investigation and crash reconstruction.

Traffic Photo

In addition, the Traffic Bureau works with traffic engineers and the Berlin Police Commission to improve road safety by use of traffic signs, signals, pavement markings or other forms of traffic control  The Traffic Bureau plans and coordinates all parades and special events that affect traffic flow on Berlin streets.

Equipment such as traffic data collectors and radar speed signs are used in conjunction with radar and laser enforcement to analyze traffic patterns and enforce traffic laws.




Commission for Persons with Disabilities Membership - OnBoard

Commission for Persons with Disabilities Membership - Updated January 2025


Ordinance - Code Book Chapter II, Article 2
Part D

Sec. 2-81. Establishment.
There is hereby established a commission for persons with disabilities, which shall monitor and assess the needs and affairs of persons with disabilities within the town.
(Ord. No. 08-01, § 1, 7-10-2001)

Sec. 2-82. Membership and terms.
(a) The commission for persons with disabilities shall consist of five (5) members all
of whom shall be legal residents and electors of the town. At least two (2) members of the commission shall be persons with disabilities or representatives of a recognized, established, nonprofit group whose primary goals are compatible with the intent of this part.
(b) On or before February 1, 2006, the town council shall appoint two (2) members to the commission for terms of three (3) years each, two (2) members for terms of two (2) years each, and one (1) member for a term of one (1) year. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years each.
(Ord. No. 08-01, § 2, 7-10-2001; Ord. 08-05, 9-6-2005)

Sec. 2-83. Purposes and responsibilities.
The commission for persons with disabilities shall have the following purposes and
(1) To foster understanding, respect, and involvement of persons with disabilities
within the town;
(2) To encourage participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of
community life;
(3) To continuously study and analyze the needs of persons with disabilities in order
to ascertain, evaluate and where appropriate propose innovative approaches to their changing needs;
(4) To receive and refer complaints of discrimination to the proper agency having jurisdiction in the particular matter;
(5) To recommend to the town council such programs or ordinances as it may deem necessary to deal with existing or potential discrimination problems and to report
to the council, from time to time, on the efficacy of such programs or ordinances; (6) To ensure persons with disabilities equal access to town resources, facilities,
programs and development through consultation and participation in planning and making recommendations for action;
(7) To serve as an advisory board to the town for the enforcement of the federal Americans With Disabilities Act and to assist the town with meeting its responsibilities for residents with disabilities;
(8) To provide educational programs for town and board of education employees
regarding working with persons with disabilities;
(9) To identify and apply for alternative funding sources such as state, federal and
other grants available to assist persons with disabilities;
(10)To expend funds allocated to the commission as part of the town's annual budget
process and any other funds that are made available to it;
(11)To disseminate information regarding events and activities for persons with
disabilities; and
(12)To perform such other functions as directed by the town council.
(Ord. No. 08-01, § 3, 7-10-2001)

The Commission for the Aging meets six times a year at the Berlin Senior Center. They study the needs of seniors in town. They also analyze the services that are provided by the community, both public and private agencies, and make their recommendations to the Town Council. Berlin residents are invited to any of the meetings.

Commission for the Aging Membership - OnBoard

Commission for the Aging Membership - Updated February 2025

Commission for the Aging - Mission Statement 

Purpose/Authority: Town Charter

Section 8-16-1. Commission for the Aging. Members.

There shall be in the Town of Berlin a commission to study the needs of and to coordinate programs for the aging. Said Commission for the Aging shall consist of five (5) electors, not more than three (3) of whom shall be of the same political party, who shall be appointed by the Council. Said members so appointed shall serve without compensation and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Not more than a bare majority of the members of said Commission shall hold other political office in said Town of Berlin and the age group concerned shall be represented. The Council may designate appropriate terms of office for the members of this Commission not to exceed in any case, five (5) years.

Section 8-16-2. Commission for the Aging. Duties.

The Commission shall study continuously the condition and needs of elderly persons in the community in relation to health, recreational and other matters. It shall analyze the services for the aged provided by the community, both by public and private agencies, and shall make their recommendations to the Manager, who shall transmit said recommendations where necessary to the Council for action in regard to the development and integration of public and private agencies, in cooperation with state and other services to the extent possible.

Section 8-16-3. Commission for the Aging. General.

The town may make appropriations to cover the expense of the Commission, including reasonable clerical services, provided that any budget shall be adopted pursuant to Chapter 7 of this Charter. The ordinance adopted at the Town Meeting on December 17, 1963 concerning a Committee for the Aging is hereby repealed.

Conservation Commission Membership - OnBoard

Conservation Commission Membership - Updated February 2025



Hatchery Brook Community Gardens Application - 2024



Town Charter –

Section 8-12-1. Conservation Commission. Members. There shall be a Conservation Commission composed of seven (7) electors of the town, not more than four (4) of whom shall be of the same political party and two (2) alternates not of the same political party, all to serve for terms of five (5) years each. In the month of January of each year, the Council shall appoint an elector to fill each vacancy and expired term. Each member shall hold office until a successor is appointed and qualified.


Section 8-12-2. Conservation Commission. Duties. (A) Said Commission shall be engaged in development, conservation, supervision, and regulation of natural resources and the development, coordination, study, and promotion of matters of environmental protection within the territorial limits of the town. (B) Said Commission shall have all the duties and powers, not inconsistent with this charter, as are now or may hereafter be conferred or imposed upon such commission by section 7-131a of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended. (C) Said Commission shall conduct research into the utilization and possible utilization of land areas of the town and may coordinate the activities of unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes, and may advertise, prepare and distribute books, maps, charts, plans and pamphlets as necessary for its purposes within the Commission's budget allocation. It may propose a greenways plan for inclusion in the plan of conservation and development of the town prepared pursuant to Section 8-23. It may inventory natural resources. It shall keep an index of all open areas publicly or privately owned, including open marshlands, swamps and other wetlands, for the purpose of obtaining information on the proper use of such areas, and may from time to time recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission the Manager, the Town Council or the legislative body plans and programs for the development and use of such areas. It may make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission, and other municipal agencies, boards or commissions, on proposed land use changes. It may recommend acquisition of land and easements to the Manager for consideration and possible approval by the Council. It may promulgate rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, the establishment of reasonable charges for the use of land and easements, for any of its purposes as set out in this Section.  It may supervise and manage town owned open space or park property upon delegation of such authority by the entity which has supervisory or management responsibilities for such space or property. It shall keep up to date on federal and state aid programs and procedures. It shall keep records of its meetings and activities and shall make an annual report to the town as provided in this Charter.


Section 8-12-3. Conservation Commission. General. (A) Said Commission shall have such other powers and duties not inconsistent herewith as are provided by the Connecticut General Statutes. (B) Said Commission shall have such professional, technical and clerical assistance as the council may determine or as set forth in the general statutes. (C) Said Commission shall maintain liaison with other boards and commissions and departments of the town as needed and shall cooperate with the parks and recreation commission as to the operation and maintenance of town lands within its jurisdiction. (d) In case of a dispute between the Conservation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission as to jurisdiction over a proposed activity on a particular parcel of land, the Town Council shall determine which commission shall have jurisdiction over the property.


Constables Membership - OnBoard

Constables Membership - Updated March 2024

Purpose/Authority Town Charter

Section 8-6-1. Constables. Establishment.

Beginning in 2003, the Council shall appoint at its second regularly scheduled meeting not more than seven (7) Constables, with no more than a bare majority to be from one (1) political party. Said Constables shall serve a term of two (2) years, and shall have such constabulary duties as set forth by ordinance or state statute, whichever shall take precedence.

Section 8-6-2. Constables. Authority.

Constables of the town shall have all the authority granted them by the Connecticut General Statutes. No Constable shall have authority to serve criminal process.

Economic Development Commission Membership - OnBoard

Economic Development Commission Membership List - Updated February 2025

Purpose/Authority: Town Charter

Section 8-10-1. Economic Development Commission. Members.

There shall be an Economic Development Commission composed of seven (7) electors of the town, not more than four (4) of whom shall be of the same political party, all to serve for a term of five (5) years each. In the month of January of each year, the Council shall appoint an elector to fill each expired term. Each member shall hold office until his successor is appointed and qualified.

Section 8-10-2. Economic Development Commission. Duties.

The Commission shall conduct research into the economic conditions and trends in the town, shall make recommendations to appropriate officials and agencies of the town regarding action to improve its economic conditions and development, shall seek to coordinate the activities of and cooperate with unofficial bodies organized to promote such economic development and may hire specialists, when needed with approval of the Manager and Council, and may advertise and may prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts and pamphlets which in its judgment will further its official purposes.

Section 8-10-3. Economic Development Commission. General.

Said Commission shall have such other powers and duties not inconsistent herewith as are provided by the Connecticut General Statutes.

Environmental Protection Advisory Commission Membership - OnBoard

Click here to view a current list of members.

Purpose/Authority: Ordinance – Code Book Chapter II, Article 2
Part F. - Energy Improvement District Board.

Sec. 2-120. Purpose and intent.
(a) In accordance with state statute § 32-80a, the town hereby establishes the Berlin
Energy Improvement District within and for the area more particularly defined as
the municipal boundaries of the town to be created and operated according to the procedures set forth in state statute § 32-80a.
(b) The purpose of this article is to promote the planning, development, funding, acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension or
operation of one (1) or more energy improvement district with a view to the increase and efficiency, reliability and the furtherance of commerce and industry
in the energy improvement district. It is further to coordinate district activities with regard to such resources with relevant state, regional and federal agencies.
(Ord. 11-08, § 1, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-121. Definitions.
In the interpretation hereof the following words and terms shall be taken to include the
following meanings when context shall require or permit:

Board shall mean the energy improvement district board created by this part and as more particularly state statute § 32-80a.

State statutes shall mean Connecticut General State Statutes the revision of 1958, as revised and amended.

District shall mean the energy improvement district, which shall be the municipal boundaries of the town.

Energy improvement district distributed resources shall mean one (1) or more of the following:
(1) Customer-side distributed resources, as defined in § 16-1 of the state
(2) Grid-side distributed resources, as defined in said § 16-1;
(3) Combined heat and power systems, as defined in said § 16-1;
(4) Class III renewable energy sources, as defined in said § 16-1; and
(5) Microgrids, as defined below.

Ex officio shall mean non-voting member.

Federal agency shall mean the United States of America, and any department of, or corporation, agency, or instrumentality thereof or hereafter created, designated or established by the United States of America.

Microgrid shall mean small, locally controlled electric systems interconnected with electric distribution company facilities.

Project shall mean the acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, improvement or extension of one (1) or more energy improvement district distributed resources.

State agency shall mean the State of Connecticut, any department of, or corporation, agency, or instrumentality thereof, heretofore, of or hereafter created, designated, or established by the State of Connecticut.
(Ord. 11-08, § 2, 02-26-2008)
Cross reference—Definitions generally, chapter 1 § 1-2 of this code book.

Sec. 2-122. Membership.
The board of the district shall consist of five (5) voting members. The voting members
shall be electors or representatives of businesses located in the district, who shall be nominated by the mayor and approved by the town council for a two (2) year term. In addition the town council may appoint two (2) alternate members one (1) of whom shall be an elector. At any meeting of the board a quorum shall mean at least four (4) members, three (3) of whom must be electors of the town. Any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. The mayor shall be an ex-officio member of the board. The board members shall serve without compensation, except for reasonable and necessary expenses.
(Ord. 11-08, § 3, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-123. Powers and duties of the board.
The energy improvement district and energy improvement district board shall have all the
powers and duties conferred or imposed on it by the state statutes. (Ord. 11-08, § 4, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-124. Bonding.
The board in addition to the powers set forth in § 2-123 above shall have the power to issue and secure bonds as more particularly set forth in state statute § 32-80a.
(Ord. 11-08, § 5, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-125. District properties.
The properties included in the district shall be bounded by the municipal boundaries of
the town.
(Ord. 11-08, § 6, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-126. Regulations by the board.
The board may make and enforce any reasonable regulation which it may determine to be necessary relating to the facilities owned or leased by any individual or corporation, limited liability company, partnership, etc. within the district consistent with the laws of the State of Connecticut and the charter and the code of the town.
(Ord. 11-08, § 7, 02-26-2008)

Secs. 2-127—2-139. Reserved.

The Public Golf Course Commission was formed by an Ordinance adopted by the Town Council on September 19, 2017.

Golf Course Commission Membership - OnBoard

Golf Course Commission Membership - Updated March 2025

Chapter II

Article 2, Part J, - Public Golf Course Commission

Sec. 2-190.  Establishment.

There shall be and is hereby created, in the Town of Berlin, a Public Golf Course Commission hereinafter referred to as the Commission.

(Ord. No. 06-17, 9-19-2017; Ord. No. 01-18, 2-20-2018; Section No. changed 03-17-2020)

 Sec. 2-191.  Definitions. 

The following definitions shall apply to Sec. 2-193 through Sec. 2-194 herein:

(a)              “Fiscal year” means the fiscal year of the Town of Berlin beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 of every year.

(b)             “Golf course” refers to Timberlin Golf Course, owned by the Town of Berlin including, without limitation, any and all of the following as they relate to any such Public Golf course:  land, rights and interests in land; rights of way, approaches and contract rights; office(s) and other buildings and facilities; paved areas; access roads; garages, parking lots and other parking structures; furnishings, equipment and apparatus; all other structures, facilities and improvements necessary and convenient to the development and maintenance of any such golf course and for the promotion and accommodation of any such golf course; and all other property (real, personal, mixed or otherwise), now or hereafter constructed or acquired, of or belonging to or pertaining to any such golf course.

(Ord. No. 06-17, 9-19-2017; Ord. No. 01-18, 2-20-2018; Section No. changed 03-17-2020))

Sec. 2-192.  Composition; appointment, removal, and term of members; annual meeting and election of officers.

The Public Golf Course Commission shall be composed of eight (8) resident electors of the Town.  Membership shall consist of at least one member from the men’s club, the seniors’ club, the ladies’ club, the lady niners club, and a non-golfer. All members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Town Council and may be removed by the Town Council.  Each of the eight (8) members shall serve for a term of three (3) years, ending each January, with appointments staggered so that replacement/reappointments take place for no more than two (2) or three (3) members each year.  Vacancies shall be filled for any unexpired term by the Town Council. 

 Upon establishment, the Commission shall elect a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, and a Secretary from its members to serve until its first annual meeting.  Thereafter, each February, the Commission shall elect a Chairman and a Vice Chairman.   At the Second meeting of its first full year, a Secretary will be hired to record the minutes of the meetings of the Commission.  The Commission shall schedule regular monthly meetings, which schedule shall be filed with the Town Clerk, designating the time and place thereof.  The agenda and minutes of all Commission meetings will be filed with the Town Clerk on a timely basis, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes.

(Ord. No. 06-17, 9-19-2017; Ord. No. 01-18, 2-20-2018; Section No. changed 03-17-2020; Ord. No. 2-2023 added membership; Ord. No. 04-24,07-11-2024 Changed the election of officers to February and hiring of secretary)

 Sec. 2-193.  Powers and duties; staff.

The Commission shall have the power to:

(a)             Make and ensure enforcement of policies, rules, and regulations for the orderly play of golf and the operation of Timberlin Golf Course and attendant facilities, which rules and regulations shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Council;

(b)             Provide input and recommendations to be used in the negotiations of all proposed contracts with any entity involved in the operation of the golf course and attendant facilities, to the Director of Golf and Town Manager; and

(c)             Work with the Director of Golf to develop and prioritize alteration plans, renovations, and capital improvements based on available funds.

 The Commission shall submit reports to the Town Manager and/or the Town Council as may be requested from time to time.

 Staffing for the operation and maintenance of the golf course shall be provided for in the final Town Council approved budget, prepared and submitted by the Director of Golf to the Town Manager as his direct report.  The Commission will have reviewed the budget prior to submission to the Town Manager.

(Ord. No. 06-17, 9-19-2017; Ord. No. 01-18, 2-20-2018; Section No. changed 03-17-2020))

Sec. 2-194.  Budget; schedule of charges.

The Director of Golf shall prepare a fiscal year golf course expense budget, to the Town Manager containing his estimate of projected expenses.  The Commission will have reviewed the budget prior to submission to the Town Manager.

 The Director of Golf will present a schedule of fees, rates, rentals, and charges for the ensuing calendar year, developed in concert with the Commission, to the Town Council for their review and adoption at the first Town Council meeting in January.

 The Golf Commission shall make annual revenue projections based upon its recommended rates and present such recommendations to the Town Manager.  The recommended rates shall be based upon the Commission’s analysis of market (including rates of nearby competitors) and play considerations and shall be set to maximize revenues for the golf course. The revenues projected shall be in an amount which is sufficient to meet current expenses as set forth in the budget finally adopted by the Town Council. The Town Manager shall consider the recommendations of the Commission and present proposed rates to the Town Council for its review and action at a Town Council meeting in January.

If the actual revenues at the end of any fiscal year are less than the expenses, appropriate action shall be taken to ensure the revenues during a three-year period, including the year in deficit, exceed the expenses for the same period. Within forty-five (45) days of the end of any fiscal year in which expenses exceed revenue, the Commission shall present to the Town Council the Commission’s plan to ensure that revenues will exceed expenses for the given three-year period. The Commission’s plan may include past or future fiscal years when considering a three-year period, but the three-years shall be consecutive to each other.

 The course financial performance will continue to be measured based on course revenues, expenses, and charges from other Town departments, e.g. Building Maintenance and Town Garage for in kind services needed at the golf course.

(Ord. No. 06-17, 9-19-2017; Ord. No. 01-18, 2-20-2018; Ord. No. 04-20, 3-17-2020; Section No. changed 03-17-2020; Ord. No. 04-24, 07-11-2024 Expenses to be meet)

Sec. 2-195-199. Reserved.

Historic District Commission Membership - OnBoard

Historic District Commission Membership - Updated February 2025



Ordinance Code Book – Chapter X, Article 3. Historic District Commission

Sec. 10-20. Establishment of a Historic District Commission.
A historic district commission of the town, hereinafter referred to as the commission, is hereby established. It shall consist of five (5) members and three (3) alternates who shall be electors of the town holding no salaried town office. In addition to being electors, at least three (3) members and one (1) alternate member of the commission shall also be residents and property owners within the historic district, if any persons reside in the district and are willing to serve on such commission. It shall be the purpose of the commission to perform the duties and functions of a historic district commission as provided in Chapter 97, 7-147(a) to 7-147(l) inclusive, as amended by the state statutes.
(Ord. of 8-29-1978, Ord. No. 07-08, 2-26-2008)

Sec. 10-21. Organization of Commission.
The Executive Board of the town shall, within sixty (60) calendar days after adoption of this ordinance, appoint five (5) members and three (3) alternate members to the commission in such manner that the terms of one (1) member shall expire on the last day of January in each year commencing in 1975 and continuing to 1979 inclusive, and the terms of one (1) alternate member shall expire on the last day of January commencing in 1975 and continuing to 1979 inclusive. All subsequent appointments shall be made by the town council for a term of five (5) years except that an appointment to fill an unexpired term shall be for the duration of the unexpired term only. Within a period of thirty (30) calendar days after the appointment of members to the first commission, said members shall meet, organize, and elect a chairman, vice chairman, and clerk from its membership. Within a period not exceeding thirty (30) calendar days after the last day of January of each succeeding year, commencing in 1975, the members of the commission shall elect a chairman, vice chairman, and clerk from its own membership. Alternate members shall not participate in any election of officers of the commission. In all other matters, when a member of the commission is unable to act at a particular time because of absence, illness, self-interest, or other good reason, he shall notify the chairman who shall then designate an alternate member to serve in the place of the regular members. All members and alternate members shall serve without compensation. The commission shall fix the time and place of its regular meetings and provide a method of calling special meetings. A quorum shall consist of three (3) members, whether regular or alternate, and no resolution or vote shall be adopted by fewer than three (3) affirmative votes. The commission may adopt regulations, rules of procedure, and orders, and may, subject to appropriation, employ clerical and technical assistance and purchase supplies or such other material to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. of 8-29-1978, Ord. No. 07-08, 2-26-2008)

Sec. 10-22. Certificate of Appropriateness.
No exterior portion of any building or structure shall be erected, altered, restored, moved
or demolished within the historic district and no building permit shall be issued by the town for exterior modifications open to view from a public street, way, or place within the district until after an application for a certificate of appropriateness as to exterior architectural features has been submitted to the commission and approved by said
commission. "Exterior architectural features" shall include such portion of the exterior of a structure as is open to view from the street line. In its deliberations the commission
shall not take into consideration the color or paint used on the exterior of any building or structure nor shall it consider interior arrangements or use.
(Ord. of 8-29-1978, Ord. No. 07-08, 2-26-2008)

Sec. 10-23. Procedure on Receipt of Application for Certificate.
The commission shall hold a public hearing upon each application for certificate of appropriateness. Notice of time and place of such hearing shall be given by publication in the form of a legal advertisement appearing in a newspaper having a substantial circulation in the town at least five (5) calendar days before such hearing. Within not more than sixty-five (65) calendar days after filing of an application as required by section 10-22, the commission shall pass upon such application and shall give written notice of its decision to the applicant. Failure of the commission to act within said sixty-five (65) calendar days shall constitute approval and no other evidence of approval shall be needed. The commission shall keep a record of all applications for certificates of appropriateness and of all its actions.
(Ord. of 8-29-1978, Ord. No. 07-08, 2-26-2008)

Sec. 10-24. Exempted Acts.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of any exterior feature in the historic district which does not involve a change of design thereof; nor to prevent the construction, reconstruction, alteration or demolition of any such feature which the building inspector certifies is required by the public safety because of an unsafe or dangerous condition; nor prevent the construction, reconstruction, alteration or demolition of any such feature under a permit issued by the building inspector prior to the effective date or establishment of the district. (Ord. of 8-29-1978, Ord. No. 07-08, 2-26-2008)

Sec. 10-25. Boundaries.
The boundaries of the historic district shall be as depicted on Map #1251A PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF BERLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT; Adopted at Town Meeting on March 14, 1974, Joanne G. Ward, Town Clerk; Received for filing March 15, 1974, Town Clerk's Office Berlin, Conn., Joanne G. Ward, Town Clerk.
(Ord. of 8-29-1978, Ord. No. 07-08, 2-26-2008)

Sec. 10-26. Enforcement.
The historic district commission shall have all the powers of enforcement regarding its rules, policies, regulations, orders and decisions as set forth in section 7-147h of the state statutes.
(Ord. of 8-29-1978, Ord. No. 07-08, 2-26-2008)

Sec. 10-27. Budget.
Budget proposals by the historic district commission shall be submitted through the town council.
(Ord. of 8-29-1978, Ord. No. 07-08, 2-26-2008)

The Berlin Housing Authority Commission meets at the main office of Marjorie Moore Village, which is located at 250 Kensington Road. For more information, please contact the Berlin Housing Authority at 860.828.4500.

Housing Authority Membership - OnBoard

Housing Authority Membership - Updated 2023

Police Commission Membership - OnBoard

Police Commission Membership - Updated February 2025

Purpose/Authority - Town Charter

 Section 4-3-1. Board of Police Commissioners. Establishment. The Police Department shall be maintained by a Board of Police Commissioners, consisting of five (5) electors, not more than three (3) shall be of the same political party and who shall be elected as provided in Chapter 2 of this Charter. Said commissioners shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties and shall serve without compensation.

 Section 4-3-2. Board of Police Commissioners. Officers, Meetings, Vacancies. Said Board shall elect one (1) of its members to be Chairman and one (1) of its members to be Vice Chairman and shall hold regular meetings and keep written records of the same. Meetings shall be held upon call of the Chairman or of a majority of the members of the Board. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In the event of any vacancy upon said Board, the Council shall within thirty (30) days, fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term of the member with respect to whom such vacancy has occurred. Provided, however, that any such vacancy appointment must be filled by an elector of the same political party as the member who has vacated.

 Section 4-3-3. Board of Police Commissioners. Duties. The Board shall have the general management and control of the Police Department of the town; shall make necessary rules and regulations of the government thereof; may appoint officers and members in said Department, and may remove, suspend or otherwise penalize such officers or members; shall be responsible for the good order, conduct, discipline of the officers and members of said Department, and the preservation of the property used by the Department. The Police Chief shall appoint non-sworn police personnel in said department. The purchase of apparatus, supplies or property necessary for said Department shall be made as provided in Section 5-5 of this Charter, based on the specifications and recommendations of said Board.

 Section 4-3-4. Board of Police Commissioners. Authority of Policemen. The employees have all such authority with respect to the service of criminal process and the enforcement of the criminal laws as is vested by the Connecticut General Statutes in police officers. Said Board shall designate a Chief of Police, who shall be the chief administrative officer and responsible to said Board. No employee of the Police Department shall serve on said Board.

Section 4-3-5. Board of Police Commissioners. Law Enforcement. Said Board shall cause to be faithfully enforced in said town all the laws of the state and all the ordinances and bylaws of the town, and shall have jurisdiction within said town of the parking of motor vehicles upon its streets and highways, and make regulations concerning the same and concerning traffic, so far as the same shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes.

 Section 4-3-6. Board of Police Commissioners. Budget. Said Board shall prepare an itemized budget as provided in Chapter 7 of this Charter.


The Commission's job is to review and evaluate proposals where wetlands and/or flood hazard areas are present. The protection of these water bodies and the preservation of their environmental functions are the primary responsibilities of this commission.

Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission Membership - OnBoard

Inland Wetlands & Water Courses Commission Membership - Updated January 2025


Town Charter

Section 8-14-1. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission. Membership.

Pursuant to the Connecticut General Statutes there shall be, in the Town of Berlin, an Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission consisting of seven (7) electors, not more than four (4) of whom shall be of the same political party, and two (2) alternates of said town to be appointed by the Council, not more than one (1) shall be of any one (1) political party, all to serve for terms of three (3) years. Vacancies and unexpired terms shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. In the month of January of each year, the Council shall appoint an elector to fill each vacancy and expired term. Each member shall hold office until a successor is appointed and qualified.

Section 8-14-2. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission. Duties.

(a) It shall be the duty of the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission to promulgate such regulations in conformity with the regulations promulgated by the State of Connecticut as are necessary to protect the inland wetlands and water courses within the territorial limits of the Town of Berlin; to license such activities as may be regulated by its regulations and those of the State of Connecticut; and, to perform such further functions as maybe prescribed to such agencies by the Connecticut General Statutes. (b) It shall be the duty of the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission to control pollution in the Town of Berlin. Said Commission shall recommend, in a report to the Manager, actions necessary to abate local sources of contamination affecting water resources. Said Commission shall further assist in the formation of any regional approach necessary to carry out such abatement and to explore federal and state assistance programs in relation to pollution abatement.

Section 8-14-3. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission. General.

The ordinance adopted by the Town of Berlin on March 14, 1974 concerning the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission is hereby repealed.

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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us

Jan Lund,
Animal Control Officer
Animal Control Shelter
600 Christian Ln
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7055
  • Emergency Phone: (860) 828-7080
  • Staff Directory
  • M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
    Sat, Sun & Holidays
    8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us

Chris Edge
Chris Edge,
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Company: (860) 828-7005
  • Staff Directory
  • Monday - Wednesday 8:30 to 4:30 Thursday 8:30 to 7:00 Friday 8:30 to 1:00

Contact Us

Kevin Delaney,
Finance Director
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7044
  • Fax: (860) 828-8628
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Contact Us

Steve Waznia
Steve Waznia,
Fire Marshal/Risk Manager
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7053
  • Fax: (860) 828-7180
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm


Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7062
  • Fax: (860) 828-7068
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Contact Us

Debbie Dennis
Debbie Dennis,
Superintendent of Recreation
230 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Business: (860) 828-7009
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Contact Us

Police Department
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7080
  • Fax: (860) 828-7590
  • Staff Directory
  • Records Department:
    M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    Emergency: 24 Hours a Day

Contact Us

Mike Ahern,
Town Engineer/Public Works Director
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7022
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Th 8:30 am - 7:00 pm F 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us

Tina Doyle
Tina Doyle,
Sr. Center Director
Berlin Senior Center
33 Colonial Dr
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7006
  • Fax: (860) 828-7116
  • Staff Directory
  • M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Contact Us

Jaymee Miller,
Social and Youth Services Director
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7059
  • Fax: (860) 828-7068
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm By Appointment

Contact Us

Sol Guerrero,
Golf Director
330 Southington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7054
  • Fax: (860) 828-4105
  • Staff Directory

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7036
  • Fax: (860) 828-7137
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7003
  • Fax: (860) 828-7068
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us

Ray Jarema
Ray Jarema,
Water Control Manager
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7065
  • Fax: (860) 828-7180
  • Staff Directory

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us

234 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7125
  • Staff Directory
  • M-Th 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
    Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    Library Director Hours are:
    M-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us

238 Kensington Rd
Kensington, CT 06037
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Contact Us

234 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7125
  • Staff Directory
  • M-Th 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
    Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Contact Us

Debbie Dennis
Debbie Dennis,
Superintendent of Recreation
  • Phone: (860) 828-7009
  • Fax: (860) 828-1627
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Contact Us

Maureen Giusti
Maureen Giusti,
Town Planner, AICP

Physical Address

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Physical Address

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7008
  • Fax: (860) 828-7108
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
    Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
    F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Contact Us

Mike Ahern,
Town Engineer/Public Works Director
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
Get Directions
  • Phone: (860) 828-7022
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Th 8:30 am - 7:00 pm F 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Contact Us

Mike Ahern,
Town Engineer/Public Works Director
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7022
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Th 8:30 am - 7:00 pm F 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Contact Us

Ray Jarema
Ray Jarema,
Water Control Manager
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7022
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Th 8:30 am - 7:00 pm F 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Senior Center
33 Colonial Dr
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Physical Address

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Physical Address

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Municipal Garage
27 Town Farm Ln
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Business: (860) 828-7057
  • Staff Directory
  • 1st, 2nd and 4th Thursday (except holidays) of the month from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Contact Us

Joseph Ferraro
Joseph Ferraro,
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Room 106
Berlin, CT 06037
Get Directions
  • Phone: (860) 828-7067
  • Fax: (860) 828-7110
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
    Th 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
    F 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Contact Us

Deborah Swan,
Revenue Collector
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Room 108
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7023
  • Fax: (860) 828-7121
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
    Th 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
    F 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Contact Us

Maryssa Tsolis,
Purchasing Agent
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Phone: (860) 828-7048
  • Staff Directory
  • Mon - Wed 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Thurs 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
    Fri 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Contact Us

Brian Freeman,
IT Director
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Business: (860) 828-7095
  • Staff Directory

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Doug Solek,
Facilities Director

Contact Us

Frank Van Linter,
Building Official
Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Business: (860) 828-7012
  • Fax: (860) 828-7180
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Th 8:30 am - 7:00 pm F 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Contact Us

Jim Simons,
Fleet Manager/Fire Administrator
Municipal Garage
27 Town Farm Ln
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Business: (860) 828-7058
  • Staff Directory

Contact Us

Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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  • Business: (860) 828-7018
  • Staff Directory
  • M-W 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Th 8:30 am - 7:00 pm F 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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Berlin Town Hall
240 Kensington Rd
Berlin, CT 06037
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In this Department

Topics of Interest

Contact Us:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: 860.828.7000

Town Office Hours:
M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Police Department:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Dispatch Phone: 860-828-7080
Emergency: 911

Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 4:00pm