Fire Marshal
Fire Marshal/Risk Manager - Steve Waznia 860-828-7053
Deputy Fire Marshal/Civil Preparedness Director - Rich Cop 860-828-7018
The office of the Fire Marshal and Civil Preparedness is responsible for the enforcement of the Connecticut Fire Safety Code, Connecticut Fire Prevention Code, and Connecticut General Statutes relating to hazardous materials, fire prevention, explosives/pyrotechnics and the investigation of fires and explosions to determine origin and cause.
Additional duties include emergency response, technical consulting to town residents and town departments, maintenance of the Town of Berlin Emergency Plan, architectural and site plan review, Homeland Security planning, Emergency Medical Services Committee Chair, and Homeland Security Grant Administrator.
Contact Us

Fire Marshal/Risk Manager
- Phone: (860) 828-7053
- Fax:
(860) 828-7180 - Staff Directory
- M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
F 8:30am - 1:00pm